9/21/2023 0 Comments Promise Keeper
I’ll never forget the day we walked through our potential first home. Almost everything in me was convinced it was ours. As I look back, however, I remember also experiencing uneasiness around the idea of moving into that home. But we proceeded forward, and I continued to ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t until everything fell apart that I realized we never invited God into the process. In spite of our disobedience and in spite of what our circumstances looked like, God was still faithful. I remember God promising us a home even better than the last. Within one year, He did just that. We were able to close on our first home just like He promised. As I recount my testimony, I’m reminded of our devotional reading— Paul’s sail to Rome. After sailing for some time with Julius, the army officer, and other prisoners (including Paul himself), they came to a place called “Safe Harbor.” Paul knew that if they left this place, they would enter a place of trouble. He knew that if they journeyed ahead, there was potential for them to lose their lives. Wisely, Paul warned them of the dangerous journey ahead, but the Captain did not believe Paul and the army officer decided to continue on. Not surprisingly however, Paul was right. As they continued, the men encountered a storm that threatened their lives. Even still, God was in control. God promised He would intervene for Paul and the rest of the men of the ship. In Acts 27:24 “The angel said, ‘Paul, don’t be afraid! You must stand before Caesar. And God has given you this promise: He will save the lives of all those sailing with you” (ERV). Interestingly, God’s promise of safety didn't change the physical circumstances around them. They were still in deep waters, the waves still continued to crash, and they were still being blown to and fro. Even still, none of their extenuating conditions stopped God from doing what He already promised, and all the men safely made it to land. Friend, I am here to remind you that the promise God made YOU is not in vain. God promises to never leave nor forsake you (Heb. 13:5). God promises to supply all of your needs (Phil. 4:19). God promises His peace (Phil. 4:6-7). God promises His restoration (Deut. 30:3). God promises to protect you (Ps. 91:4). In spite of the circumstances surrounding you momentarily, cling tightly to the promises He has made you and cling just as tightly to His Word. The goal of the enemy is to steal this promise by convincing you that the current turmoil you may be experiencing will never end. However, the enemy has no authority to decide that. The enemy's tactics are merely an illusion and distraction. So I encourage you, just as I had to encourage myself in our home buying process, to keep your eyes focused on God and trust His Word. It will not return unto you void. Keep watch as the promise He gave you miraculously comes to pass. “‘For no word from God will ever fail.’” Luke 1:37 (NIV)
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