9/21/2023 0 Comments See the Light, Be the Light
Scripture is awash with word pictures and statements concerning light. One of my favorites comes from the beautiful opening verses of John: “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it (1:4-5).” Jesus, the Word, being God, is the source of all life and light; it can only come from Him. He expels the darkness, our own spiritual ignorance and sin as well as opposition from the enemy. And the Bible promises us that darkness can not overcome Him. We, you and I, dwelt in darkness until the light of our wonderful Savior shined in our hearts and minds through the work of the Holy Spirit, giving us life. But He doesn’t only give us life, He also continually gives us light. He enables us to participate in His divine nature, making us holy bit by bit, the fact of which just blows my mind. Like my spotlight, the Light protects us but it also allows life to flourish and grow. When we live within the light of Christ, we slowly become the light of Christ, sanctified by His nature in us. Now sometimes that process of becoming light, becoming holy, is uncomfortable, not quite what we want. I wanted to enjoy the stars and my fire in the darkness, not realizing that the light was what allowed my chickens and plants to continue to grow. If we want to live abundantly as the light of Christ, we must willingly allow the light to continue its work - the hard work of sanctification. We must not put it out, or stifle it. This week, as you reach for your Bible, stop and pray for a moment. Invite Jesus to do His work. Ask Him to shine a light into the deep corners of your heart and dispel the darkness that lurks within and without. If it feels uncomfortable, lean into it and watch Him shine brightly through you, providing abundant life and growth to you and those around you. “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden…in the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.” Matthew 5:14,16 (NIV)
9/20/2023 0 Comments Work With Intention
Like David, as mothers, we have important work to do. We may not be ruling a nation, but our duties do affect the Kingdom. We are called by God to disciple our children, serve our husbands, and maintain our households. Perhaps you also have work outside the home where you have God-given responsibilities to attend to. We must be continually on guard that we are not making choices that casually shift us into idleness causing us to neglect our responsibilities. Our choices, however small, matter. They either set us up for success, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us, or they set us up for failure, allowing the devil an opportunity to whisper lies and deceive us. Mamas, let’s choose wisely. Intentionally choose to be diligent in the work God has called you to do. For me, some of these small choices include getting up early, ahead of my children, to prepare my heart, mind, and home for the day. Another is limiting my time on social media and carefully curating the influences I allow to speak to me there. Most recently, it’s been “giving up” the romcoms I loved to escape into and instead choosing books that edify my spirit and further the values I hold. None of these choices would seem to singularly define or direct my life, but together they have set me on a path to deeper joy and purpose in the work God has given me, chiefly motherhood. Of course, these convictions and choices are not something we can set out to do in our own power. God, by his infinite grace, is the one who convicts, draws us to repentance, and provides the power to change. We must simply draw near to Him and ask. Like the Psalmist in Psalm 139: 23-24, we can cry to the Lord, “Search me, God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” He knows us better than we know ourselves and He is faithful to provide all we need to walk according to His way - including conviction and the grace and opportunity for repentance. Today, I encourage you to begin seeking the Lord in prayer. Ask Him if there is any area in your life, however minor, where you have been idle. Then listen and watch as He enlightens your eyes. Respond to the grace He provides, repent and turn back to the work He has called you to. Then allow Him to empower you to make small choices that create a fruitful and joy-filled life. “Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5:15-17 (NIV)
8/31/2022 0 Comments Drawn to Repentance
In the latter portions of Nehemiah, we get to see the newly restored Israelites studying scripture together. All of a sudden they are smacked with the truth about who God is and who they are. Their response? Mourning. Weeping. Sackcloth and ashes. Chapter nine contains the longest prayer in the Bible. It is a confession that sums up the biblical narrative to this point. It contrasts God’s faithfulness to Israel’s rebellion. Time and again Israel fails but God shows up in steadfast love and mercy. The Israelites praying here did not cross the Red Sea. They didn’t witness the plagues, the pillars of cloud and fire, or the miracles in the wilderness. They did not lift up the golden calf or kill the prophets. Yet, in verse 33 their prayer changes from “they” to “we.” They say “for you have dealt faithfully and we have acted wickedly” (emphasis added). The restored Israelites are counting themselves equal with their ancestors in failure, humbly taking responsibility for their sin, confessing that God is right and they are wrong. These men and women could have tried to shift the blame. After all, they were in exile, raised in a foreign land around foreign gods, born to people who had disobeyed God. But no, they added themselves to the narrative. When we truly understand God’s Word, it brings us to our knees in awe and repentance. The Israelites left their time of study convicted to the point of grief, recognizing that there was no good in them. They set aside their pride, took responsibility for their sin, and confessed their failure. This in turn led them to renew their covenant with the Lord who had proved himself faithful time and again. As we read and study God’s very words, the Holy Spirit shines a revealing light on the deepest, darkest corners of our soul, revealing sin we often had no idea was lurking there. Then we get the wonderful opportunity to repent and confess our sin, allowing God to remove it from us and replace it with his unending, amazing grace day by day. As you read this week, ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes and penetrate your heart with the truth of who you are in your sinfulness and who God is in his holiness and goodness. Let it sink down deep into your soul. Spend time on your knees in honest confession, taking responsibility for your sin and adding your name to the sorry tale of humanity rebelling against their wonderful Creator. Repent and turn to the arms of the Lord who is steadfast in his love and mercy. After all, naturally there is no good thing in you. But bless the Lord! Through the cross, you can now walk under daily grace. Wham! Covered by the blood of Jesus. Boom! Forgiven by the Father. Bam! Empowered by the Holy Spirit. Memory Verse: “Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.” Psalm 51:1-2
8/30/2022 0 Comments Looking for God
As we’re nearing the end of Genesis, Joseph steps onto the scene. So far, we’ve seen God begin to fulfill two of his promises to Abraham, to have a land and a family. Now, in the Joseph saga we’ll see the first glimpses of this family becoming a blessing to the nations. But in order to get there, Joseph is going to endure some hard years. He’ll be betrayed, sold into slavery, set up, put in prison, and forgotten. It seems like he just can’t catch a break. And yet, if we look at the details of this story, we see God clearly at work:
We could easily attribute some of these happenings to Joseph’s determination, integrity, and hard work. Some, we could say, were the evil works of others, and some sheer coincidence. But what if we gave God the credit? God doesn’t deal in coincidence or serendipity; He works in providence and sovereignty. Even in the midst of the hard, behind the scenes God’s hand is all over Joseph’s story. His hand is all over history. Sister, His hand is all over your story too. And what a relief it is to know that God is walking through this life by your side. As you are going about your life, look for Him. The more we look for God, the more we will see Him. Just like that car or pair of jeans, He becomes familiar and we begin to spot His handprints everywhere. Take a hard look at your story. Dig into your history. Can you see Him? Can you catch a glimpse of the creator of the universe at work in your life even amidst your biggest struggles? What about today, moment by moment? Do you see Him providing you with the strength to get up in the morning, with the ability to speak kindness to your children, with peace as you make decisions for your family? If you are having trouble finding Him, pray for that insight. Ask a friend or spouse to help. Grab your journal and write it down. May God reveal Himself to you today and may you find wonder, and peace knowing He is near and that He cares for you. Memory Verse: “The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalm 145:17-18
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