If we look in at the early church, we see believers looking for affirmation too. The Gentiles were new to the faith, and they needed others to point them in the right direction. This was a natural part of being a new believer, but over time these Gentiles began listening to the voice of man over the voice of God. Paul, directed by God, told them they didn’t have to convert to the practices of Judaism, but eventually they were misguided by other religious leaders into thinking they needed to follow Jewish rules such as abstaining from certain foods, circumcision, and the list went on.
When Paul received word of this misdirection, he was disheartened. These Gentiles had abandoned the freedom of the gospel message he preached and became enslaved to a long list of dos and don’ts. They were not living according to the Spirit who gives life, but according to the rules of man. Paul sums up his heart when he says: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Galatians 1:10 NIV). When we accept the approval only God can provide, we can live in freedom because we realize that we don’t need others to validate us. The affirmation we receive from others is temporary, but the security we receive from God is ours to keep. It does not change when we mess up. His grace is not based on anything we do, but on his unchanging love for us. In my journey as a new mom, God showed me that he chose me as my son’s parent. The reassurance I craved was found in the quiet moments I sought God in the middle of the night. He saw each and every step I took in love, and each time I questioned myself. If you’re struggling in your journey as a mom or a follower of Jesus today and need affirmation that you’re headed in the right direction, ask yourself these questions:
Friends, invite God into the everyday hard work of mothering today. Allow him to affirm you as his child. He is right there, waiting for us to seek him. Let’s accept the free gift of his wisdom and walk in the freedom he gives us.
Memory Verse: “Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Galatians 1:10 NIV
This happened several years ago, when our family faced a financial crisis and each new bill caused an immediate rise in my blood pressure. We owned a rental property on the other side of the country, and our renters abandoned the home with no warning. As regular bills accumulated, so did debt for damage they left behind.
I wanted to cut our losses and sell the property, but as it sat on the market, it became obvious that it wasn’t God’s timing. Despite my pleas asking Him to release this burden, we eventually had to rent again. If we look at the life of David, we see someone who waited for God’s timing too. Although anointed king as a boy, years passed before he took the throne. These years weren’t tranquil either, but a time where David was pursued by a king who wanted to kill him. I imagine David questioned God’s timing too. As a matter of fact, a look at the Psalms shows us he did, on more than one occasion. “How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?” (Psalm 13:1) Psalm 13 is just one example of a theme we see throughout these songs David wrote, often during times of distress. However, David doesn’t stay in this mindset. After pouring out his heart, we see a shift. We see an intentional decision to trust God, and recognize He is sovereign even in the wait. “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.” (Psalm 13:5 NIV) Seasons of waiting give you the opportunity to shift your focus from deliverance to the Deliverer. David’s life was a reflection of this recognition as well. When pursued by King Saul, he had more than one opportunity to kill him. But instead of taking matters into his own hands, he waited. His actions acknowledged that vindication belonged to the Lord, and he knew God would give the throne to him in his timing. As for our situation with the rental house, God released that burden in his timing also. Eventually, the market soared and we were able to sell the property for much more than we would have if I’d had my way. I realized the waiting wasn’t wasted time, but a season God used to draw us into a deeper trust in Him. If you’re in a season of waiting right now, remember God hasn’t abandoned you. He is still working in the midst of the unknown. But instead of trusting in the answer, He wants us to trust Him. Shift your focus from the answer you can’t yet see to the One who sees your story from beginning to end. He will transform your heart in the wait. Bring your worry to him today, and allow the seasons of waiting to move your attention from the rescue to the Rescuer.
Memory Verse: “But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.” Psalm 13:5 NIV
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