11/12/2024 0 Comments Firmly Planted
On introspection, this would mirror a life devoid of God, a path where we’re left to our own devices—barren, desolate, and destined for eventual demise. Jeremiah 17 is a prophecy from God to the people of Israel. More specifically, Jeremiah 17:6 exemplifies what life would be like if the people of Israel were to trust in man and human desire over God. It states that “they will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives” (Jeremiah 17:6). God warned that their life would be dry and completely unsustainable without Him. This doesn’t just apply to the people of God in that time, but it also applies to God’s people today. The truth is that a life without God leads to eventual death. When you think of the parched places of a desert, what do you envision? I envision a place that is very dry, life-threatening, and unprotected. While that sounds scary, it can also be tempting. Similar to how mirages occur in deserts, appearances of goodness can be misleading. The world constantly pulls at us for attention, and our flesh craves our devotion. It can be very easy to idolize others, material possessions, and ourselves, further suppressing the voice of God. It takes a certain intentionality not to go our own way. We avoid the parched places in the desert by surrendering to God’s will, seeking His guidance through His Word, and spending time with Him in prayer. Each of these principles has helped me remain in sync with Christ. When I have felt the pull to go my own way, I have asked the Holy Spirit for guidance. When I’m tempted to get distracted by the things the world has to offer, I dive deeper into His Word. When I crave human affection, I seek God in prayer. And the result? A life filled with more peace and abundance! While being a plant mom is in no way a comparison to the way God cares for us, metaphorically the results are similar. Under God’s care, you will grow. Under God’s care, you will never have to worry about doing this life alone. Under God’s care, there is the promise of eternal life with Him. ““This is what the LORD says: ‘Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD. That person will be like a bush in the wastelands; they will not see prosperity when it comes. They will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives. But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17:5-8 (NIV)
7/2/2024 0 Comments Faithful Promises
While this was a cherished game for me, it was anything but that for the disciples and the women who followed Jesus. The Gospels shed light on their distress and deep sorrow as they witnessed His crucifixion. Specifically in Luke 24, we get a glimpse of Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary walking to the tomb with spices in their hands. Their breath hitched as they found the tomb wide open - empty, with the stone rolled away. The appearance of the Angel of the Lord stirred their hearts, and they were reminded of Jesus’s words as he predicted his own fate. Luke 24:7 states, “The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified, and on the third day rise again.” These women rushed to inform the disciples who, still tormented by the gory scene of the crucifixion they'd witness just three days before, doubted the credibility of the empty tomb. It wasn’t until they met Jesus on the road to Emmaus, and recognized him during the breaking of bread that they truly grasped they were in the presence of the resurrected King. One could argue that their senses were so overwhelmed and consumed by the sight before them that they found it challenging to hold onto the words of Jesus. For the disciples, a certain degree of faith and certainty had been momentarily compromised. Have you received a promise from God concerning your family, future, or career, but find it challenging to maintain faith due to the circumstances before you? Dear friend, I am here to remind you to hold fast to your faith. Do not allow obstacles to hinder your belief in God's unwavering promises and faithfulness in your life. Trust God’s voice as he guides you faithfully on your journey. The enemy seeks to distract you with the visible obstacles, causing you to forget the abundant blessings God has in store for you. Therefore, consider this as your reminder to stand unwavering in His faithfulness, regardless of the challenges you face. Whenever the enemy attempts to steal that promise by diverting your focus to the obstacles in front of you, I pray that the Holy Spirit will help you redirect your vision. May your heart focus on the One who faithfully keeps His word. Remain steadfast in your faith! “God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged.” Hebrews 6:18 (NIV)
12/4/2023 1 Comment Rocky Roads and Guiding Rods
It was at that very moment that I felt grateful to have my husband by my side, not just as a guide but also as a constant source of encouragement and support in spite of my fear. As we reflect Psalm 23:4 today, let's imagine how reassuring it is to have God right there by our side, leading and guiding us with a love that's even stronger than our closest loved ones. In previous passages of Psalm 23, David describes the Lord as a shepherd who leads us beside still waters and makes us lie down in green pastures. However, in verse 4, we see that God is not only with us in peaceful places but also in the darkest times. Personally, I have questioned how David finds comfort in God's rod and staff during such dark times and why these specific terms are used in relation to the word comfort. Interestingly, the rod and staff were fundamental tools used by shepherds to care for their sheep. Considering that sheep are not known for their discernment, the shepherd would employ the rod as a means of safeguarding the flock from potential predators. On the contrary, the staff served as a guiding instrument, gently directing the sheep along their journey. In a similar vein, this is precisely what the Lord does for us. As believers, He is not only present in the peaceful moments of our lives but also in our darkest seasons. He diligently guides us, defends us, and provides us comfort during these challenging times. However, it is imperative that we place our trust in Him to see the fruit of His labor. I could have easily given in to my fears as I hiked up the mountain with my husband, missing out on the breathtaking view that awaited us at the top. I could have ignored his advice and ventured alone, disregarding his extensive expertise. But instead, I made the choice to place my trust in him. Likewise, this is how it is with God. In our darkest seasons, we have a choice. We can stubbornly go our own way, risking harm and confusion, or we can wholeheartedly trust that God's rod and staff are there to safely guide us through life's rocky terrain. “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me...” Psalm 23:4a (NIV)
9/21/2023 0 Comments Promise Keeper
I’ll never forget the day we walked through our potential first home. Almost everything in me was convinced it was ours. As I look back, however, I remember also experiencing uneasiness around the idea of moving into that home. But we proceeded forward, and I continued to ignore the voice of the Holy Spirit. It wasn’t until everything fell apart that I realized we never invited God into the process. In spite of our disobedience and in spite of what our circumstances looked like, God was still faithful. I remember God promising us a home even better than the last. Within one year, He did just that. We were able to close on our first home just like He promised. As I recount my testimony, I’m reminded of our devotional reading— Paul’s sail to Rome. After sailing for some time with Julius, the army officer, and other prisoners (including Paul himself), they came to a place called “Safe Harbor.” Paul knew that if they left this place, they would enter a place of trouble. He knew that if they journeyed ahead, there was potential for them to lose their lives. Wisely, Paul warned them of the dangerous journey ahead, but the Captain did not believe Paul and the army officer decided to continue on. Not surprisingly however, Paul was right. As they continued, the men encountered a storm that threatened their lives. Even still, God was in control. God promised He would intervene for Paul and the rest of the men of the ship. In Acts 27:24 “The angel said, ‘Paul, don’t be afraid! You must stand before Caesar. And God has given you this promise: He will save the lives of all those sailing with you” (ERV). Interestingly, God’s promise of safety didn't change the physical circumstances around them. They were still in deep waters, the waves still continued to crash, and they were still being blown to and fro. Even still, none of their extenuating conditions stopped God from doing what He already promised, and all the men safely made it to land. Friend, I am here to remind you that the promise God made YOU is not in vain. God promises to never leave nor forsake you (Heb. 13:5). God promises to supply all of your needs (Phil. 4:19). God promises His peace (Phil. 4:6-7). God promises His restoration (Deut. 30:3). God promises to protect you (Ps. 91:4). In spite of the circumstances surrounding you momentarily, cling tightly to the promises He has made you and cling just as tightly to His Word. The goal of the enemy is to steal this promise by convincing you that the current turmoil you may be experiencing will never end. However, the enemy has no authority to decide that. The enemy's tactics are merely an illusion and distraction. So I encourage you, just as I had to encourage myself in our home buying process, to keep your eyes focused on God and trust His Word. It will not return unto you void. Keep watch as the promise He gave you miraculously comes to pass. “‘For no word from God will ever fail.’” Luke 1:37 (NIV)
9/21/2023 0 Comments One In Us
As I watched, I was reminded that this is Jesus’s intentions for the body of Christ—Unity with the purpose of advancing the kingdom. As believers, we were created with our own unique gifts and talents. More importantly, we are meant to use our God given gift to spread the message of Christ. In scripture, we hear Jesus’s prayer for his disciples as the hour of His crucifixion came near. After walking with his disciples and equipping them, He prayed for their safety as they would continue on their journey to spread the Gospel. He also prayed for those who would believe in Him because of their teachings. He prayed for oneness. In John 17:21 Jesus says, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” Jesus makes it clear that unity in the body of Christ further advances the kingdom. As clear as Jesus’s prayer is, it seems we have forgotten His command. Dissension in the body of Christ seems to be on display more than ever. Political disagreements, racial tensions, and our own personal preferences have dismantled the unity that Jesus intently prayed for. As tensions in the body of Christ persist, unbelievers question why they would want to follow Christ if those who believe can’t even love each other well. It is impossible to further the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved in the absence of unity. How do we display biblical unity as believers? We do so by standing on God’s truth and not our feelings. We also do so by praying for those we don’t agree with and extending God’s unconditional love. The word of God never changes, and remains the only foundation for truth. It is imperative that we use His word as a guide for how we view the world around us. Also, what would it look like to pray for those in the body of Christ we disagree with and extend unconditional love? Oneness is only possible when we set our personal feelings aside and turn to God— our final authority. When we are united and walking in step with God’s truth, it is there that we reach lost souls. I encourage you to take time today to pray about areas in your own life where you could display unity in your community of believers. God has given us all unique gifts and we were made to use them to spread the good news of our salvation! “That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:21 (NIV)
9/20/2023 0 Comments Jealous Love
But what I learned in the midst of counseling was that God’s love runs deeper than I could ever comprehend. As I began to pull back the layers of my heart, I realized that even though I had God’s whole heart, He didn’t fully have mine. If God’s love for me is anything like His love for the Israelites, it is fierce. In the book of Hosea, we see a God with jealous love for His people, the Israelites. In desperation, God sent His prophet Hosea to communicate His distress and anger with them. After all God had saved them from, their hearts were still divided. Instead of fully surrendering to God, they chose to betray Him by worshiping other gods. Interestingly, God compares the relationship that He has with the Israelites to an adulterous wife who is unfaithful to her loving husband. However, in spite of the future judgment coming upon Israel, God did not give up on His people. Hosea 11:8-9 affirms God’s desire to protect His people: “How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? How can I treat you like Admah? How can I make you like Zeboyim? My heart is changed within me; all my compassion is aroused. I will not carry out my fierce anger, nor will I devastate Ephraim again. For I am God, and not a man— the Holy One among you. I will not come against their cities.” Friend, God is also jealous for you! The Oxford Languages dictionary defines jealousy “to be fiercely protective or vigilant over one’s rights or possessions.” God is protective over you because you are His. While we may not be worshiping Baal like the Isrealites, we do have a tendency to idolize things of this world over the one who created them. I distinctly remember, in the midst of my depression, I found myself seeking an escape through mass media, human relationships, and material possessions. In reality, I only needed my loving Savior and so do you. While the word jealousy has a negative connotation in our interpersonal lives, God’s jealousy is quite different. God is jealous because His love for you runs so much deeper than you could ever imagine. I encourage you, if your heart is divided in any way, turn back to Him. May His jealous love overwhelm you, as He freely offers up His mercy and grace. Works Cited: “Jealous.” Concise Oxford English Dictionary, edited by Angus Stevenson and Maurice Waite, 12th ed., Oxford UP, 2011, p. 761. “Do not worship any other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” Exodus 34:14 (NIV)
9/18/2023 0 Comments Within His Safe Embrace
While Joseph was Jacob’s beloved son, his brothers were extremely envious to the point of selling him into slavery. However, in spite of his circumstances, God was ordering his steps. As I read Joseph’s story, I’m in awe of how God showed Himself to be faithful time and time again. During the time Joseph was sold into slavery, he was made overseer by his master because his master saw that the Lord was with him. Despite being falsely accused by his master’s wife and thrown in prison, the Lord made it clear that He was still with Joseph by elevating him to be in charge of all the prisoners. While in prison, God used Joseph to interpret dreams. Ultimately, this led him to interpret King Pharaoh's dream. By this act, King Pharaoh knew the Spirit of God was in Joseph and he placed him second-in-command. In spite of every situation Joseph found himself in, God showed up. Friend, did you know that this is the same God that is with you? He is with you in the middle of financial hardships; He is with you as you battle that health condition; He is with you as you grieve the loss of your loved one; He is with you on the hardest days of parenting, and He will continue to show Himself faithful. In the midst of turmoil, I am reminded of Isaiah 58:11 which states, “the Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Never forget you are His beloved child. Whatever season of life you’re in right now, take that leap, knowing you will fall into your Father’s arms. If there is ever an inkling of doubt, remember Joseph’s story. Remember that even at his lowest of lows, the Lord guided him, strengthened his frame, and satisfied all of his needs. Place your full trust in Him and watch as He does the same for you. “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11
12/9/2022 0 Comments One in Us
Along with that, each individual had their own team who assisted in getting the job done. Each individual had a unique set of talents, working for a common purpose. They were able to make this life changing surprise happen for the family because of their ability to work as a team. Together, they worked tirelessly and efficiently. While the job was not easy, the tears of joy on each family's face as they pulled up to their new home made each moment worth it. As I watched, I was reminded that this is Jesus’ intentions for the body of Christ—Unity with the purpose of advancing the kingdom. As believers, we were created with our own unique gifts and talents. More importantly, we are meant to use our God given gift to spread the message of Christ. In scripture, we hear Jesus’s prayer for his disciples as the hour of His crucifixion came near. After walking with his disciples and equipping them, He prayed for their safety as they would continue on their journey to spread the Gospel. He also prayed for those who would believe in Him because of their teachings. He prayed for oneness. In John 17:21 Jesus says, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” Jesus makes it clear that unity in the body of Christ further advances the kingdom. As clear as Jesus’s prayer is, it seems we have forgotten His command. Dissension in the body of Christ seems to be on display more than ever. Political disagreements, racial tensions, and our own personal preferences have dismantled the unity that Jesus intently prayed for. As tensions in the body of Christ persist, unbelievers question why they would want to follow Christ if those who believe can’t even love each other well. It is impossible to further the Gospel of Christ to the unsaved in the absence of unity. How do we display biblical unity as believers? We do so by standing on God’s truth and not our feelings. We also do so by praying for those we don’t agree with and extending God’s unconditional love. The word of God never changes, and remains the only foundation for truth. It is imperative that we use His word as a guide for how we view the world around us. Also, what would it look like to pray for those in the body of Christ we disagree with and extend unconditional love? Oneness is only possible when we set our personal feelings aside and turn to God— our final authority. When we are united and walking in step with God’s truth, it is there that we reach lost souls. I encourage you to take time today to pray about areas in your own life where you could display unity in your community of believers. God has given us all unique gifts and we were made to use them to spread the good news of our salvation! Memory Verse: “That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” John 17:21 NIV
8/31/2022 0 Comments You Plant, God Grows
Desperately (and frustratingly), I attempted to keep each student on the straight and narrow. At the same time, Iwas also trying to be their mentor, counselor, and friend. The students looked to me for everything and to be honest, it made me feel special. When the burnout set in, I could no longer sustain it and had to step back from doing what I once loved. By looking back, I recognize that the burnout stemmed from pointing the students to myself as their leader, when I should have been pointing them to Christ. In my struggle to find my place as leader, I wish I took a deeper dive into this week's reading. In 1 Corinthians, we find the Corinthian church struggling with a series of issues from division to sexual immorality. Paul, being the spiritual father and leader he was to the Corinthians, found it imperative to write a letter warning them. One thing he addressed was how leaders should be viewed within the church. At the time, the Corinthians exalted Paul and Apollos as their leaders. So much so, that it caused division between them. They would pride themselves on who they were most loyal to. In 1 Corinthians 3:4, we see some would boastfully profess, “I follow Paul” while others would proudly declare, “I follow Apollos.” Paul did not take pride in them fighting in such a way. He recognized that without God he and Apollos were nothing. In 1 Corinthians 3:5, Paul states, “What, after all, is Apollos? And what is Paul? Only servants, through whom you came to believe—as the Lord has assigned to each his task.” He made it very clear that he and Apollos were merely vessels used by God. He further reiterated this by using a planting metaphor. While Paul planted the seed of the gospel and Apollos watered it, it is only through God that there is growth. In 1 Corinthians 3:7 Paul continues by saying, “so neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow.” Paul’s response to the Corinthians is humbling and unfortunately lost on society today. It is so easy to exalt others and oneself in the name of God. Social media has only highlighted this issue further. How often is it that we see pastors or Bible teachers with multitudes of followers hanging on to their every word? Instead of looking to God’s word in times of trouble, we find ourselves looking to our favorite pastor. Not only do we see this on social media, but we can also see this in our very own lives. Has there ever been a time where you desperately wanted to lead someone to Christ, but found yourself leading in your own strength or capacity? Have you ever found yourself leading from a place of your own selfish ambition? While serving others is a wonderful thing, we must not forget our purpose in it all. Our purpose in everything we do is to point the lost and hurting back to Jesus, and Jesus alone. What does this look like? Now as I serve, my prayer specifically is, “God thank you for giving me the ability to be a vessel used by you. As I serve, help me be obedient to you alone. I ask that you go before me, giving me the words to say and the steps to take as I serve my brothers and sisters in Christ.” I also examine my motives. Am I acting in obedience to God, or my own selfish ambition? When searching for answers, are you looking to God or your favorite Bible teacher? More importantly, when leading others are you pointing them to Christ or yourself? Like Paul, let us humble ourselves by realizing that neither we nor our favorite pastor is God. We never can be. However, He has given us the wonderful privilege as believers to be used by Him for His good works! Memory Verse: “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” 1 Corinthians 3:7
8/31/2022 0 Comments From Trials to Triumph
I was devastated. How could such a beautiful moment take such a drastic turn? Momentarily, I gave in to what felt like such a traumatic experience but shortly afterwards, I was reminded of God’s word. I will never forget the verses I meditated on leading up to childbirth such as James 1:2, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” When the Holy Spirit brought this to my remembrance, I felt joy in knowing that even in the trials I was facing, I would persevere because God’s word promises our trial will produce something beautiful in us. The more I held on to God’s word, not only was I healing physically but also spiritually. Did you know that if you allow God’s word to take root inside of you, you too can experience joy in the midst of tough circumstances? We read in Psalm 119, “Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight” (Ps. 119:143). In this passage, we see the fruit of joy and perseverance from the psalmist as they express the love they have for God’s word in inspite of tough times. Interestingly enough, Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. And in this chapter, we see just how much the psalmist has allowed God’s word to take root on the inside of him or her. More importantly, the psalmist doesn’t ignore the troubles they are experiencing but in spite of them finds joy in God’s commands. In the Bible, we see several examples of the importance of the word of God. We also find that if we cling to his commands, it can produce good fruit in our lives as it did for the psalmist. For example in Luke 8, Jesus tells the parable of the sower to a large crowd. As the seed was scattered, it was only the seed that fell on good soil that produced a crop. He further explains the parable to the disciples by revealing this seed represents God’s word. Luke 8:15 states, “‘but the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop”. In times of trouble, find joy in the word of God and hold tight to his commands, knowing He will produce, in your life, the fruit of perseverance. I will be the first to admit I haven’t always done this. It is very tempting to get distracted by the weight of life. So much so, that we forget all God has commanded us in his word. However, as believers we too must find delight in his commands in spite of hard circumstances. Joy comes from the assurance of God’s presence even in the midst of hard circumstances. I encourage you to take inventory of your life. As you take inventory, think about a tough moment you are currently experiencing. We all experience them. Now, I challenge you to take it to God’s word. What does His word say about it? Allow that Word to transform how you see your circumstance. As you spend this time with him, you will find a joy that will resonate through any trial. Memory Verse: “Trouble and distress have come upon me, but your commands give me delight.” Psalm 119:143
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